DHL Service Privacy Policy

DHL Service Privacy Policy

DHL Service Privacy Policy

Mar 23, 2023 11:54 AM WEB MASTER
By accessing or using any part of the DHL Service website or service, you agree to abide by our terms and policies.
DHL IT Service Policy
DHL Cloud is a free high-volume file transfer service with a cloud computing platform that allows users to send large files at high speed and securely to share data with everyone. However, we would like to reiterate that DHL Service is not responsible for the accuracy, legality and content submitted, stored and distributed through DHL Cloud services.
To ensure convenient and secure use of DHL Cloud, we understand that you are solely responsible for the information you post and send to others through DHL Cloud. We are not responsible for the information related to the content because the content belongs to you, not DHL Service.
In addition, DHL Cloud contains links that may be shared by users to other external websites, therefore DHL Cloud is not responsible for any loss or leakage of your content to external websites.
We would also like to note that DHL Cloud is not responsible for the indefinite maintenance of your data. The user assumes full responsibility and sole responsibility for any data that is damaged, lost or not recovered. The User understands and agrees that DHL Cloud reserves the right to delete, move, store or modify any Content that it may determine violates the security policy or is unacceptable then we may terminate access to the DHL Cloud Services.
Customer Data
Customer is solely responsible for the data stored on DHL Cloud's servers. The Client controls the data themselves through the links generated. DHL Cloud encourages customers to periodically and regularly store their data and ensure that there is no irreversible loss or loss of data. Customer consents to the maintenance  of its data in accordance with legal regulations. DHL Cloud will delete Customer's data if this agreement is terminated.
Terms of Use
We stipulate a number of terms of use of DHL Cloud to ensure the safety and protection of our users, including:
Uploading, posting, emailing or other means to distribute content that threatens terrorism, depicts torture, or gruesome user interfaces is prohibited. As well as prohibiting all acts of child pornography.
DHL Cloud may not be used to distribute content that infringes any party's patent, trademark, trade know-how, copyright or other property rights.
The sender and receiver are solely responsible for the content of messages, attachments or any other information content exchanged or stored between them. DHL Cloud is not responsible for the contents of this information.
Any use of DHL Cloud for purposes contrary to legal regulations or contrary to the good intentions of DHL Cloud bulk file transfer service is strictly prohibited.
Adult/Illegal Content
DHL Cloud does not approve or permit the transmission of content to the website or data containing obscene, illegal material, illegal activities, gambling, illegal arms trade and the publication of any material that violates human rights criminal laws.
DHL Cloud reserves the right to immediately suspend or cancel any account or data transmission in violation of this policy without prior notice.
The DHL Cloud Service is used only for lawful purposes and it is strictly forbidden to store or distribute any material that violates the respective laws or regulations. If you use someone else's material, you must obtain the consent of the owner of the document. You acknowledge and agree that you are the author or copyright owner or have been legally licensed to any content uploaded or submitted. You also acknowledge and agree that none of the content infringes the trademarks or intellectual property rights of third parties.
Customer must not abuse DHL Cloud system resources by using content that consumes excessive CPU processing time or storage space, takes up excessive bandwidth or resells access to content stored on DHL Cloud servers.
DHL Cloud reserves the right to suspend or terminate customer data transmissions in violation of these policies and any other legal provisions in accordance with DHL Cloud's criteria.
DHL Cloud prohibits the use of the service to spread malware such as viruses, Trojan horses or anything destructive, fake or deceptive, advertising, propaganda of goods and services on the list of prohibited goods and services prescribed by law.
Not disrupt, disrupt equipment systems and illegally obstruct the management, provision and use of DHL Service services, obstruct the application and development of information technology; server system, national domain names; sabotage of information infrastructure, sabotage of information in the network environment; electronic information systems on the Internet.
Do not create and install computer virus programs, harmful software in accordance with the provisions of law; do not use DHL Cloud services to send bulk email or through the Server to sabotage another Server or take advantage to sabotage third parties.
Do not infringe intellectual property rights; illegal production and circulation of information technology products; forging websites; creating unauthorized links.
Not to quote digital information contents of other organizations or individuals in cases where the owners of such digital information have issued warnings or are prohibited by law on quoting information; not to use information related to personal images and private life secrets in accordance with the provisions of law.
Take full responsibility before law and related individuals and organizations for the digital information contents they upload, store and share.
Modifications to our agreements, policies or services
Customer shall not use DHL Cloud for wrongful purposes and violations of law, including spam, misuse of system resources and infringement of intellectual property rights of third parties. If you violate these policies, DHL Cloud reserves the right to restrict or inhibit you from using the service.
Customers shall be responsible for their acts and must not provide, exchange, transmit, store or use digital information for the purpose of undermining the unity of the whole people, inciting violence or war of aggression, revealing state secrets, military secrets, etc  security, economics or foreign affairs.
If DHL Cloud becomes aware that a customer has used the service in violation of these policies or other laws, DHL Cloud reserves the right to cancel the transmission of customer data and transfer the information to law enforcement authorities for investigation and prosecution of violations.
We ensure that the terms and conditions of service are regularly updated to suit the situation and requirements of our customers. However, we reserve the right to amend or change any of these terms and conditions without prior notice to customers. By using our services, you agree to abide by the latest terms.
We also reserve the right to discontinue the service, temporarily or permanently, if we believe that the customer has violated this agreement or any policy related to our service. In addition, we may also discontinue the service at any time without notice.
In the event that we stop providing services to a customer, we reserve the right to disable or delete all information, related data or any access to that customer's data or services. The Customer shall be responsible for its content and we shall not be liable for any loss or damage caused as a result of the termination of the Customer's access to the Service.
We encourage customers to store important data in multiple places and always exercise caution when receiving content from others. If you have any questions or complaints about our rules and terms of service, please contact us for answers and support.
If customers need further assistance or have any other questions, please feel free to contact us via [email protected] email address  or the contact information provided below. We will try to answer and support you as soon as possible.
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DHL Service Privacy Policy
DHL Service Privacy Policy

Mar 23, 2023 11:54 AM
